It was a pleasure to be working for Monty Halls - BBC Presenter, Marine Biologist on his project Generation Sea Change as the photographer and filmmaker for a series of conservation videos.

We sailed from Falmouth to the Isle of Scilly and then back to Plymouth, filming a variety of citizen science conservation projects, Echoes from the Ocean looked at dolphin acoustics in Falmouth, An Island Uprising focused on a Seabird recovery project in St Agnes (Isle of Scilly) and The Big Blue - was about Blue Fin Tuna of the coast of Plymouth.

My role was to direct, shoot and edit these films alongside the incredible team Seadog Productions working on the final edit about the Seagrass beds in Falmouth currently and looking forward to working on more projects with them in 2024.

The Whale in The Room

A recent film that I was commissioned to make by the team Clean Ocean Sailing.

An inspiring artist Andre Kong Studio created an Art Installation using the marine waste Clean Ocean Sailing collect from the South West shoreline. This film was to made to show the process of collection and installation and how the idea came about. It is currently on display at The Exchange gallery in Penzance as part of the exhibition Storm Warning which is available to visit until April.

The Net Regeneration Scheme

A commission which I shot directed and edited for Odyssey Innovation. To tell the story and raise awareness of their marine plastic recycling scheme that runs throughout the South West and is now expanding further afield.



Africa wildlife showreel, showcasing some of the footage I shot whilst working out in South Africa


This is a promotional film I made to raise money for Sibuya Rhino Foundations’ anti-poaching team . In order to give their reserve better protection from poachers.


I was working as assistant camera man for a filmcrew filming the phenomena of Humpback whales feeding off the coast of South Africa near Cape Town. The beauty and abundance of South African Marine Life is outstanding.